The Newly Design Mehtod of Ballasted Track Structure Considering Track Irregularity Growth

Masao UCHIDA, Tatsuya ISHIKAWA, Akira NAMURA, Hideyuki TAKAI, Masahi MIWA
Irregularity of ballasted track grows due to gradual plastic deformation of ballast bed under repeated train passage. Daily maintenance is indispensable to sustain normal track condition. When we design the track structure, estimation of track irregularity growth considering the target maintenance level and interval will be effective, as well as checking the strength of track components like rail or tie. We propose the "design method of ballasted track structure considering track irregularity growth " taking account of the following ideas: (1) Calculation method with idea of threshold value. (2)Setting of allowable value of track irregularity growth, considering the target maintenance level and interval taking account of riding quality.