On the Recovery of Shinkansen and JR Kobe line from Earthquake Damage

The big earthquake which hit Hanshin and Awaji last time brought an unprecedented havoc on the Japanese railways. It was a mega-quake of magnitude 7.2 with the epicenter located in the northern part of Awaji Island and its seismic intensity 7 was the first one ever registered in the observation record of the areas extending from Kobe to Nishinomiya and Takarazuka. These cities are hubs of transport with concentrated population. In a 4 km long zone squeezed between Mt. Rokko and Seto Inland sea a number of railway lines and highways such as JR Sanyo-Shinkansen, JR Kobe line, Hanshin and Hankyu lines and Hanshin Expressway run constituting a traffic artery of Japan. The catastrophy was the worst one leaving all these lines destroyed in tatters and an early recovery of the railway is strongly demanded for the sake of quick recovery of the cities, too.