A Study on an Experimental Seat Reservation System for Railways

Mikio TANAKA  Yasuyuki WAKITA  Kazuaki FUJII   Kohichi GOTO

 For the purpose of improving the present seat reservation system for railway services, an experimental method utilizing a highly advanced computer and communication systems is proposed. The proposed method is based on transportation capacity in certain hours. A reservation is made tantatively in advance with no train and seat appointed explicitly. The reservation is confirmed at the time the passenger arrives at a station, and the most favourable train and seat are then assigned. The merits of this method, such as an effective use of transportation capacity and a changeability of plans on both sides, passengers and railway companies, are discussed. And a simulation based on M/M/1 model to formulate the movement of passengers and trains is intro-duced. The results of simulation, such as a variation of waiting time of passengers are shown.