CyberRail: A Probable Form of ITS in Japan

Takahiko OGINO, Ryuji TSUCHIYA

  The purpose of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) is believed to increase safety and efficiency of road transport. In this paper we are proposing an idea that a simpler and clearer goal of ITS is to increase the number of trips by "vehicles". This is very paradoxical conclusion and seems to be wrong. However, considering the trends that increasing number of the aged and handicapped people look for moving around, this new objective function, maximizing the number of the trips by "vehicles" would be a very important key word to open the next generation of the transport system. In this context, the word "vehicle" is quoted, that is , the word is used not for concrete objects such as cars, but for future means of door-to-door transport. CyberRail, a railway centric inter-modal transport system, could be naturally derived from this new objective. The research items and future blueprints of CyberRail are also presented.

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