CyberRail Study Group Activities and Achievements

Takahiko OGINO

  CyberRail is a railway-related information infrastructure that has been developed to facilitate passenger travel, while improving the efficiency and business opportunities for railway operators. The basic concept of CyberRail is not to offer mass public transport centred on railways but instead to offer tailor-made transport choices. The CyberRail system models the general transport system, particularly including "human" users, based on the achievements of leading IT researchers, to provide an open system that covers multimodal and intermodal transport systems. However, railway-related organizations alone will clearly not be able to complete this work. The CyberRail Research Group has been established based on this concept to manage and systematize cooperation between the various research fields. In this paper, recent activities, achievements, and themes to be studied are introduced.

* Full papers of RTRI Report are written in Japanese.

Copyright (c) 2002 Railway Technical Research Institute