4. Technique for Evaluation of Station Comfort Levels

      In recent years, station is the place not only for railway but also for shopping or meal. To make stations more attractive, it is necessary to improve comfort within the station space. A method was therefore developed to evaluate station comfort levels in terms of heat, sound, and space configuration.
      PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) is an index that indicates the level of heat/cold felt by a person, and can be easily measured to find a discomfort ratio. Using this, a relationship between PMV and discomfort rates in station spaces was determined. The ISO defines a discomfort rate of 10% or less as "comfortable," and station spaces were found to be comfortable when PMV is between -1.5 and +1.0. An individual scale was created based on the above finding to evaluate comfort/discomfort based on PMV with respect to the thermal environment in stations (Fig. 1). A simulation was also developed to forecast the thermal environment in the station concourse and in the whole sheltered platform (Fig. 2). The system's ability to forecast the thermal environment in the concourse and on platforms means it can be used for the improvement of such environments.
      Evaluation scales were also created for sound environments and space configuration. Using these evaluation techniques, comfort in existing and newly constructed stations can be evaluated comprehensively.

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