
RTRI's initiatives in "Research 2025" for addressing SDGs

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June 11, 2020
Railway Technical Research Institute

The Railway Technical Research Institute started to address Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

1. Objective

Through the research activities based on the master plan “RESEARCH 2025”, RTRI will contribute to achieving 9 goals among the 17 SDGs, focusing on “Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure” where RTRI has advantage and enhance its presence as a research institute.

2. What RTRI will do

Our society is facing a number of issues including protection of the global environment, increasing social burden due to the aging populations and regional disparity of economy. Radical technological innovation is essential in order to overcome these issues. As a research entity leading technological innovation for railways, RTRI will provide solutions to the difficult problems facing railways in coordination with railway operators, academic and research institutes and industries, and pursue the research and development to achieve a sustainable society and to create the future for railways.

Through the research activities based on “Master plan –Research and Development Creating the Future of Railways - RESEARCH 2025”, RTRI will address the activities to achieve 9 goals among the 17 SDGs including “Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy” and “Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth” placing a particular emphasis on “Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure”. (Fig. 1) Our specific activities are shown in Table 1.

We will communicate our contribution (Fig. 2) in our periodicals and website.

Table 1: Research activities to achieve SDGs under “RESEARCH 2025”

* You can see all the photos and figures in the PDF file above.