Message from President
Message from President
The Railway Technical Research Institute developed a new master plan “RESEARCH 2025” for the five years from 2020 to 2024 as a concrete plan to fulfill RTRI’s vision “We will develop innovative technologies to enhance the rail mode so that railways can contribute to the creation of a happier society” and has been addressing research and development and other activities.
We have four objectives of research and development, that is, safety improvements, cost reduction, harmony with the environment, and improved convenience and three pillars of the research activities, research and development for the future of railways, development of practical technologies meeting the needs of railway operators, and basic research for railways.
Among the research projects for safety, we will establish measures to reduce the downtime in railway systems in the case of heavy rain and strong wind, by making optimal decisions to suspend and resume operations, based on results of meteorological disasters risk assessments. We will also establish methods of rapid and appropriate repair works. We will also promote digitalization of railways, implement research and development for labor and energy saving and speed increase, and innovate railway systems.
In order to make sure that railways will keep contributing to the development of our society, economy and living environment, RTRI will conduct research from the railway customers' viewpoint, keep close cooperation with the national government, railway operators and suppliers, and continue innovative research and development.