RTRI and the National Science and Technology Development Agency of Thailand Co-Host Railway Technology Forum
November 22, 2023
Railway Technical Research Institute
The Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI) and the National Science and Technology Development Agency of Thailand (NSTDA) co-hosted Railway Technology Forum for strengthening mutual technical collaboration between the two parties on November 22, 2023, at Thailand Science Park in the suburbs of Bangkok. The forum was attended by five people from the RTRI and approximately fifty people from Thailand, including Dr. Asira Fuongfuchat, Deputy Executive Director of the NSTDA.
Participants form NSTDA and RTRI
1. Date: November 22 (Wed), 2023, from 9:00 to 14:00 (local time)
2. Venue: Thailand Science Park (located in the suburbs of Bangkok)
3. Background and Outcome of the Forum
Since the RTRI and the NSTDA concluded a technical cooperation agreement on July 1, 2021, even under the travel restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the two parties continued information exchange between experts online every four months.
In the long-awaited Railway Technology Forum finally held face-to-face, the RTRI and the NSTDA gave three presentations respectively (see Table below). Each presentation was followed by lively and informative discussions with many questions and answers.
In the final presentation, Dr. Miyauchi of the RTRI reported what they had done so far in the course of our specific collaborative project (Technical Cooperation with NSTDA and RTRI), and subsequently, we agreed that we would continue to have meetings online every four months and that we would hold face-to-face technology forums annually.
Program of the 2023 RTRI and NSTDA Railway Technology Forum
Dr. Asira Fuongfuchat of NSTDA (Left) and Dr. Toru Miyauchi of RTRI (Right)
exchanging gifts
Railway Technology Forum
* You can see all the photos and figures in the PDF file above.